31st Conference of the Working Group Sustainability /
Soil Protection of the Working Community of the Danube Regions
The 31st Conference of the Working Group Sustainability / Soilprotection of the Working Community of the Danube Regions took place in the End of September in Tulln.

The conference provides a forum for participants from different stakeholder groups such as farmers, Land users, scientists, and representatives of authorities and communities across the Danube region to exchange information on current approaches of soil management, and to discuss emerging requirements for targeted, cost-effective soil monitoring at different scales.
During the conference, the 22nd Steering Group meeting of EUSDR Priority Area 6, Biodiversity and Landscapes, Quality of Air and Soils took place as well.
The Workshop “Soil matters!” showed a practical project in the sustainable spirit of optimism and cracking of soil sealing. Earth colours from Lower Austria were used as a central communication tool to bring communities and citizens closer to soil.
All participants are invited to visit Organic Farmer Franz Binder for Multifunctional Hedges / the Soil and Wildlife.
ARGE Donauländer
Die ARGE Donauländer ist eine Kooperationsplattform die auf Bestreben des Landes Niederösterreich 1989 gegründet wurde.
Sie versteht sich als Vertreter der Regionen, Impulsgeber für die Donauraumstrategie EUSDR, Think-Tank für Donauraumaktivitäten und Netzwerk für Akteure im Donauraum.